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Dear Parents,


I hope this email finds you well and coping in this Covid 19-era in the best way possible. Yesterday the governor announced his plan for schools for the remainder of the academic year.  Attached you will find a letter from Rebecca Hammel, Superintendent, detailing how the Diocese will support this decision.  I know that this is not the way that any of us intended to finish this last quarter.  I thank you all for your support as we continue to be a part of your child’s education.


So, what does this mean for us at St. Edward School, and what will this next month of school look like for your children? First of all, the responses to your surveys from last week have been very helpful.  Please know that I have read each one individually, have shared appropriate messages with teachers and am using the sentiments communicated to fine-tune and improve next month’s classes.  Some things are out of our control. We must continue remote learning.  We must take attendance and record grades.


But there are things that we do have control over that might improve the situation.  First of all - delivery method. We have heard about the need to consolidate platforms and simplify the logistics of accessing student work.  Point taken.  During recent staff meetings we discussed ways to simplify this process. Although we won’t be making major changes with electronic platforms, we will work to simplify what we are currently using.


Response to class workload has varied, even within the same class. This will need to be a two-way partnership.  Teachers will simplify work when needed, but please reach out to them so they know the difficulties that your child is facing.  They may need to adjust, or we may help by assigning individual help to your child through a tutor, or one of our teachers. Staff will be flexible to meet student needs.


Lastly, April and May are traditionally months of celebrations that will need to be addressed differently.  Following are some of the big events that we have discussed.


  • The sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation are top on our list.Dates are not yet set, but they will be arranged as soon as we have clearance to gather safely as groups.

  • 8th grade graduation as well will be held in person this summer when we can safely gather.There will be a virtual “Awards Banquet” to be held on May 13 to recognize 8th graders and recognize them for their achievements. Information went out this week regarding plans for May Crowning. Specific information will come to families from Mrs. Stockdale.

  • Classroom teachers will also recognize their individual students with an end of the year “virtual ceremony” on May 15, the last day of classes.

  • Mrs. Hicks is working to plan a “Virtual Field Day Event” for students and their families.Watch for information to follow.


In closing, I continue to pray for the health and well-being of each of you and your families.  Please reach out if we can be of any assistance.



Marsha Wharton, Principal

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